Environmental Health Scientist
I work on a range of projects related to the causes and consequences of climate change and environmental hazards, mostly focused on impacts related to public health. Feel free to reach out about any specific projects!
Social protections programs for climate change adaptation
How will we be able to adapt to global climate change? Given the amount of unavoidable warming and the growing movement in the international community to provide funding for adaptation, it is critically important to identify where adaptation has occurred and what policies can effectively encourage future climate adaptation and resilience. The fundamental goals of our work is (1) to provide policymakers with an evidence base that can be used to craft adaptation policies and shape funding priorities, and (2) to generate publicly available data that serves as an authoritative and comprehensive resource for researchers and policymakers studying climate adaptation and resilience in the developing world.
Health impacts of emerging environmental hazards
Extreme temperatures and wildfires represent a growing threat to public health across the US and the world. With the ECHO lab at Stanford, we have work characterizing spatio-temporally resolved wildfire specific ambient air pollution concentrations, indoor air pollution concentrations during wildfires, population-level behavioral responses to wildfires, and health impacts of wildfire smoke exposure. Similar work is being conducted to better understand the distribution of impacts of extreme temperatures on public health.
Environmental health risk transition: how wealth shapes health through environmental exposures
It has long been established that wealthier people and those with higher socioeconomic status tend to live longer and be healthier. Over many decades and across numerous contexts, a large literature has documented this positive association between wealth, income, and other dimensions of socioeconomic status and various measures of health. This work seeks to understand the extent to which environmental risks change as populations get wealthier, and the potential for differences in the levels and impacts of environmental exposures to explain portions of the observed health gradient.
My Google Scholar page also has recent publications, including preprints. If you have trouble accessing any of the articles, please feel free to email me and I can send you a PDF.
* Corresponding author; †Authors contributed equally
Gould, C.F., Bailis, R., Balakrishnan, K., Burke, M., Espinoza S., Mehta, S., Suarez-Lopez, J., Pillarisetti, A. (2024). In praise of cooking gas subsidies: transitional fuels to advance health and equity. Environmental research letters, 19 081002.
Daouda, M., Kaali, S., Spring, E., Mujtaba M., Jack, D.W., Dwommoh Prah, R.K., Colicino E., Tawiah, T., Gennings C., Osei, M., Janevic, T., Chillrud, S.N., Agyei O., Quinn A., Gould, C.F., Lee, A.G., Asante, K.P. (2024). Prenatal household air pollution exposure and childhood blood pressure in rural Ghana. Environmental health perspectives 132, 3.
Gould, C.F.†, Davila, L.†, Bejarano, M.L., Burke, M., Jack, D.W., Schlesinger, S., Mora, J., Valarezo, A. (2024). Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Fine Particulate Matter When Cooking with Electricity Compared to Gas, a Randomized Crossover Study in Quito, Ecuador. Environmental health perspectives 132, 1.
Burke, M.†, Childs, M.†, de la Cuesta, B., Qiu, M., Li, J., Gould, C.F., Heft-Neal, S., Wara, M. (2023). Wildfire influence on recent US pollution trends. Nature 622, 761-766.
Heft-Neal, S., Gould, C.F., Childs, M., Kiang, M., Nadeau, K., Duggan, M., Bendavid, E., Burke, M. (2023). Emergency department visits respond nonlinearly to wildfire smoke. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 120 (39) e230240912
Gould, C.F., Bejarano, M.L., De la Cuesta, B., Jack, D.W., Schlesinger, S., Valarezo, A., Burke, M. (2023). Climate and health benefits of a transition from gas to electric cooking. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 120 (34) e2301061120.
Valarezo, A., Davila, L., Bejarano, M.L., Nolivo, I., Molina, E., Schlesinger S.B., Gould, C.F., Jack, D.W. (2023). Maintaining household clean cooking fuel use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador. Energy for sustainable development 74, 349-360.
Gould, C.F., Bejarano, M.L., Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A., Lee, A.G., Pillarisetti A., Schlesinger, S., Teran, E., Valarezo, A., Jack, D.W. (2023). Widespread clean cooking fuel scale-up and under-5 lower respiratory infection mortality: an ecological analysis in Ecuador, 1990-2019. Environmental Health Perspectives 131, 3.
Gould, C.F., Ae-Ngibise, K.A., Yang, Q., Owusu-Agyei, S., Burkart, K., Boama-Kaali, E., Kinney, P., Mujtaba, M., Quinn, A., Manu, G., Jack, D.W., Chillrud, S.N., Asante, K.P. (2022). Using time-resolved monitor wearing data to study the effect of clean cooking interventions on personal air pollution exposures. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.​​
​​Childs, M., Li, J., Wen, J., Heft-Neal, S., Driscoll, A., Wang, S., Gould, C.F., Qiu, M., Burney, J., Burke, M. (2022). Daily local-level estimates of ambient wildfire smoke PM2.5 for the contiguous US. Environmental Science & Technology (56), 19, 13607-13621.
Gould, C.F., Jha, S., Patnaik, S., Agrawal, S., Zhang, A.T., Saluja, S., Nandan, V., Mani, S., Urpelainen, J. (2022). Variability in the household use of cooking fuels: the importance of dishes cooked, non-cooking end uses, and seasonality in understanding fuel stacking in rural and urban slum communities in six north Indian states. World Development, 10605
Burke, M., Heft-Neal, S., Li, J., Driscoll, A., Baylis, P., Stigler, M., Weill, J., Burney, J., Wen, J., Childs, M., Gould, C.F. (2022). Exposures and behavioral responses to wildfire smoke. Nature Human Behaviour.
Zhang, A.T., Patnaik, S., Jha, S., Agrawal, S., Gould, C.F., Urpelainen, J. (2022). Evidence of multi- dimensional gender inequality in energy services from a large-scale household survey in India. Nature Energy.
Kaali, S., Jack, D.W., Dommoh Prah, R.K., Chillrud, S.N., Mujtaba M.N., Kinney, P.L., Tawiah, T., Yang, Q., Oppong, F.B., Gould, C.F., et al. (2022). Poorer early childhood growth is associated with impaired lung function: Evidence from a Ghanaian pregnancy cohort. Pediatric Pulmonology.
Weaver, A.K., Head, J.R. Gould, C.F., Carlton, E.J., Remais, J.V. (2022). Environmental factors influencing COVID- 19 incidence and severity. Annual Review of Public Health, 43.
Boamah-Kaali, E., Jack, D.W., Ae-Ngibise, K.A., Quinn, A., Kaali, S., Dubowski, K., Oppong, F., Wylie, B., Mujtaba, M., Gould, C.F. et al. (2021). Prenatal and postnatal household air pollution and infant growth trajectories: Evidence from a rural Ghanaian pregnancy cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives, 129 (11) 117009.
Jack, D.W. Ae-Ngibise, K., Gould, C.F., et al. (2021). A cluster randomized trial of cookstove interventions to improve infant health in Ghana. BMJ Global Health, 6 (8) e005599.
Quinn, A.K., Adjei, I.A., Ae-Ngibise, K.A., Agyei, O., Boamah, E., Burkhart, K., Carrion, D., Chillrud, S.N., Gould, C.F., et al. (2021). Prenatal household air pollutant exposure is associated with reduced size and gestational age at birth among a cohort of Ghanaian infants. Environment International 155, 106659.
Khanwilkar, S., Gould, C.F., Defries, R., Habib, B., Urpelainen, J. (2021). Firewood, forests, and fringe populations: Exploring the inequitable socioeconomic dimensions of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) adoption in India. Energy Research & Social Science 75, 102012.
Chillrud, S.N., Ae-Ngibise, K.A., Gould, C.F.*, Owusu-Agyei, S., Mujtaba, M., Manu, M., Burkart, K., Kinney, P., Quinn, A., Jack, D.W., Asante, K.P. (2021). The effect of clean cooking interventions on maternal and child personal exposure to air pollution: Results from the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 35, 683-698.
Carrion, D., Prah, R., Gould, C.F., Mujtaba, M., Pillarisetti A., Agyei, O., Chillrud, S.N., Tawiah, T., Jack, D.W., Asante, K.P. (2020). Using longitudinal survey and sensor data to understand the social and ecological determinants of suspending clean cookstove use in rural Ghana. Environmental Research Communications 2 (9) 095003.
Gould, C.F.†, Hou, X.†, Sharma, A., Richmond, J., Urpelainen, J. (2020). Jointly modeling the adoption and use of clean cooking fuels in rural India. Environmental Research Communications 2 (8) 085004.
Gould, C.F., Molina Rueda, E., Schlesinger, S., Bejarano, M.L., Valarezo, A., Jack, D.W. (2020). Long- standing LPG subsidies, cooking fuel stacking, and personal exposure to air pollution in rural and peri-urban Ecuador. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 30, 707-720.
Mani, S., Jain, A., Tripathi, S., Gould, C.F. (2020). The drivers of sustained use of liquefied petroleum gas in rural India. Nature Energy 5, 450-457.
Policy Brief: Sustained LPG use requires progress on broader development outcomes
Gould, C.F., Schlesinger, S., Molina Rueda, E., Bejarano, M.L., Valarezo, A., Jack, D.W. (2020). Household fuel mixes in peri-urban and rural Ecuador: Explaining the context of LPG, patterns of continued firewood use, and the limitations of induction cooking. Energy Policy 136, 11053.
Gould, C.F., Urpelainen, J. (2020). The role of education and attitudes in cooking fuel choice: Evidence from two states in India. Energy for Sustainable Development 54, 36-50.
Gould, C.F., Urpelainen, J. (2019). The gendered nature of LPG adoption in rural India. Journal of Development Studies 56 (7), 1309-1329.
Gould, C.F., Urpelainen, J. (2018). LPG as a clean cooking fuel: Adoption, use, and impacts in rural India. Energy Policy 122, 395-408.
Gould, C.F., Chillrud, S.N., Phillips, D., Perzanowski, M.S., & Hernandez, D. (2018). Soot and the city: Evaluating the impacts of Clean Heat policies on indoor/outdoor air quality in New York City apartments. PLOS ONE 13(6).
Gould, C.F., Schlesinger, S., Ochoa Toasa, A., Thurber, M., Waters, W., Graham, J., & Jack, D. (2018). Government policy, clean fuel access, and persistent fuel stacking in Ecuador. Energy for Sustainable Development 46, 111-122.
Gould, C.F., Jagoe, K., Moreno, A.I., Verastegui, A., Pilco, V., Garcia, J., Fort, A., & Johnson, M. (2018). Prevalent degradation and patterns of use, maintenance, repair, and access to post-acquisition services for biomass stoves in Peru. Energy for Sustainable Development 45, 79-87.
Garland, C., Gould, C.F., & Pennise, D (2018). Usage and impacts of the Envirofit HM-5000 cookstove. Indoor Air 28, 640-650.
Gould, C.F., Perzanowski, M.S., Evans, D., & Bruzzese, J.-M. (2018). Association of exercise-induced wheeze and other asthma symptoms with emergency department visits and hospitalizations in a large cohort of urban adolescents. Respiratory Medicine 135, 42-50.